iEducation News

澳洲人氣名校 梗有一間合適你

iEducation致力為學生搜羅及配對最合適的學校,享負盛名。今年再獲多所澳洲人氣寄宿女校委任為香港代理,包括新南威爾斯省的 Abbotsleigh, Tara Anglican School for Girls; 昆士蘭省St Margaret's Anglican Girls School及 西澳省 Methodist Ladies' College。每所均為當地首屈一指寄宿名校,提供學前至12年級課程,畢業生成績出眾。


多項研究顯示女學生在單一性別學習環境下, 更有自信發揮所長,在各STEAM學科及運動均取得優異成績,故女校畢業生成績較男女校為優。


iEducation代表澳洲多所人氣寄宿名校,不論學術成績,校園環境設備,課外活動選項,以至宿舍管理及學生支援,均達頂尖水平。 澳洲名校入學要求除考慮校內成績外,學生亦需考核AEAS測試。


想了解更多有關澳洲名校的學習環境,可參加3月2曰、9日及11日澳!Happy Learning Talk.  詳情 按此




Canberra Girls Grammar School, ACT

Abbotsleigh School, NSW

Kincoppal Rose Bay School, NSW

Loreto Normanhurst, NSW

Meriden School, NSW

PLC Sydney, NSW

Pymble Ladies' College, NSW

Ravenswood School for Girls, NSW

St Catherine's School, NSW

Tara Anglican School for Girls, NSW

Wenona School, NSW

Ipswich Girls' Grammar School, QLD

St Hilda's School, QLD

St Margaret's Anglican Girls School, QLD

Loreto College, SA

Seymour College, SA

Walford Anglican School for Girls, SA

Wilderness School, SA

St Michael's Collegiate, TAS

Firbank Grammar School, VIC

Lauriston Girls' School, VIC

Melbourne Girls Grammar School, VIC

Methodist Ladies' College, VIC

St Catherine's School, VIC

Methodist Ladies' College, WA

Perth College, WA

Presbyterian Ladies' College, WA

St Mary's Anglican Girls' School, WA



Canberra Grammar School, ACT

Cranbrook School, NSW

Knox Grammar School, NSW

The Scots College, NSW

All Saints Anglican School, QLD

Immanuel College, SA

Pembroke School, SA

Prince Alfred College, SA

Scotch College Adelaide. SA

St Peter's College, SA

Westminster School, SA

Launceston Church Grammar School, TAS

The Friends' School, TAS

The Hutchins School. TAS

Beaconhills College, VIC

Caulfield Grammar School, VIC

The Geelong College, VIC

Trinity Grammar School, VIC

Wesley College, VIC

Hale School, WA