St Catherine’s School, VIC
Name of School: St Catherine’s School, VIC
CRICOS Number: 00574F
City / State: Melbourne, Victoria
Year Established: 1896
Type of School: Girls Boarding School
Religious Group: Christian
Student Population: 710
Number of International Students: 45
Boarding (No. of Boarders) / Homestay: Boarding (80 Boarders)
Yr12 Result (2024): 67.6% students achieved ATAR 90+
Yr7 to Yr12 Tuition / Boarding Fees (2025):

A$56,320 - A$59,170 / A$36,000 per year






St Catherine's School, Vic has the unique mixture of a proud history combined with contemporary thinking. St Catherine's is for girls from Prep to Year 12, and is centrally located in Toorak, Melbourne, Australia. We welcome girls from the local, rural and international communities and have a school population of approximately 700 students. As a smaller School, our size has many advantages for students, particularly the way in which each girl can be known and valued, and our one campus advantage means our youngest to oldest students learn in one central community.

We also enjoy a reputation for outstanding academic results. Over the past five years 15% of our Year 12s have achieved a VCE ENTER of above 98 and more than 50% have achieved 90 or above, and our girls consistently outshine other schools in the co-curricular arena too; be it in sports like rowing or in debating and music competitions.

The School has strong values and implements this throughout the curriculum,

co-curricular activities and boarding experience.

These values are:
• Perseverance
• Empathy
• Curiosity
• Integrity

Self Photos / Files - St Catherine_s School, Vic_Logo_March 2014



Special Features


A small school with good facilities and excellence in academic.