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iEducation一向鼓勵學生培養「批判性思維」 (critical thinking),什麽是「批判性思維」? 就是有獨立思考能力,從不同角度看事物,客觀分析再作判斷。


不知道有留意《iEducation歌歌學英文》的同學當中有沒有考DSE中歷史科的同學,其中一條問題引起很大爭議,教育局更深夜發聲明譴責考評局,指「試題具引導性,考生可能因而達至偏頗的結論,嚴重傷害了在日本侵華戰爭中受到莫大苦難的國民的感情和尊嚴」(“The question is a leading one, which may lead candidates to reach a biased conclusion, seriously hurting the feelings and dignity of the Chinese people who suffered great pain during the Japanese invasion of China.”)



聲明中用了“leading” 這個形容詞,日常同學看電影、電視時經常見到「領銜主演」,英文是 “leading actor/actress”, 意思是「主要的」、「最重要的」,例子:


He plays a leading role in the Broadway show. (他在百老匯表演中擔任主角。)


另一個意思相近的解釋是「最成功的」、「最著名的」,例如你想説「李醫生是最勁的兒科醫生」,與其用 “the best” 或 “the most famous”,試用 “Dr. Lee is the leading pediatrician”.




She likes asking leading questions in order to get the answers she wants. (她喜歡問具引導性的問題,以便得到想要的答案)


講到歷史,當然要介紹近年著名的百老匯歌劇 “Hamilton” 裏面一首歌 ”History Has Its Eyes on You” (歷史緊盯著你)


I was younger than you are now  (我當時比你還年輕)

When I was given my first command  (收到第一個指令的時候)

I led my men straight into a massacre   (帶領我的人直衝入大屠殺)

I witnessed their deaths firsthand  (我親身見證他們的死亡)

I made every mistake  (犯錯連連)

And felt the shame rise in me  (内裏羞愧感湧現)

And even now I lie awake  (即使現在我仍睡不着)

開始擔心香港的教育無助培養批判性思維,想到外國升學? 不妨聯絡iEducation,我們專業的教育顧問幫助你lead your way,令你的海外升學計劃順利安心。