三天前是「616」一週年,有2百萬+1香港人反對送中條例遊行示威, 遊行期間有示威人仕唱着歌劇《悲慘世界》(又名《孤星淚》) 的名曲 “Do You Hear The People Sing?” 。
一年了, 每次重聽此名曲會否都有一番的感觸? 今期iEducation便和大家講講這首「遊行神曲」,由南非出生英籍記者及填詞人Herbert Kretzmer填上英文歌詞,爲配合故事中平民也能唱,歌詞淺易近人,大家最熟悉的一段非常振奮人心的副歌莫屬:
Do you hear the people sing? (你聼見民衆高唱嗎?)
Singing the song of angry men? (唱著憤概者的歌)
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again! (這是不願再為奴的人的樂曲)
When the beating of your heart (當你的心跳)
Echoes the beating of the drums (和應戰鼓的響聲)
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes! (明天到來,新生命即將展開!)
iEducation想講講兩個簡單常見的字,”Echo” 和 “about” 。一般大家認識 “echo” 的意思是「回音」、「回響」,可作名詞和動詞用,例子:
(名詞) You can hear the echoes of her heavy footsteps. (你聽到她沉重步伐的回音)
(動詞) Her heavy footsteps echo in my ears. (她沉重的步伐在我耳中回響)
“echo” 另一個常見/聼意思是「重複」、「附和」以表示同意,例子:
He echoes the words of his friend who claimed to see the window was broken by a bull. (他附和朋友所説,聲稱公牛打破了窗子)
相信大家經常用 “about” 這個字,如作「介詞」(preposition) 用:This book is about the Umbrella Movement. (這本書講述「雨傘運動」)
又或「副詞」(adverb),形容一個若數:There are about twenty students in the playground. (操場上大約有二十個學生)
其實,”about” 還可以作「形容詞」,表示「剛要」、「正準備」(去做一件事情),與歌詞的用法一樣,結構是 “be + about + to (do something)”,例子:
I was about to leave the cinema when you texted. (你發信息來的時候,我正要離開戲院)
你可能會問,”be about to” 和 “be going to” 有沒有分別 —— 上面的例子改成 “I was going to leave the cinema” 得唔得?
答案是「得」,但意思上 “be about to” 急切點、肯定點,下一秒或很快就會做。