歌曲來自歌舞電影 “Mary Poppin’s Return”,説唱形式加上舞蹈和舞臺效果,賞心悅目
“A cover is not the book” 取自諺語 “never/don’t judge a book by its cover” ,不要憑封面去判斷一本書,意思即是不要以貌取人。
Cover is not the book (封面不代表書)
So open it up and take a look (打開看看)
'Cause under the covers one discovers (封面下面你發現)
That the king may be a crook (原來國王是個騙子)
Chapter titles are like signs (回目像個提示)
And if you read between the lines (如果你領會言外之意)
You'll find your first impression was mistook (你會發現你的第一印象是個誤解)
For a cover is nice (封面不錯)
But a cover is not the book (但封面不代表書)
“Read between the lines” 是一個很常用的片語,意思是不要只看字面意思,要解讀字
Justin:Look, an old friend just sent me a nice email. (看,一個老朋友剛發了個電郵給我)
Jack: Read between the lines. He wants to borrow money. (看清楚字裏行間的意思,他想借錢)